Kathmandu: The cabinet meeting held on Monday fixed the support price of milk at Rs 56.04 per liter for farmers. Earlier, the price of raw milk was Rs 49.52 per liter. At present, the price has increased by 13.17 percent or Rs 6.52 per liter. The price of processed milk for consumers will be fixed… Continue reading Cabinet decides to raise milk price by 13.17 pc in Nepal
Category: Finance
Parliament meeting postponed to halt MCC procedures
Kathmandu: A meeting of the House of Representatives scheduled for Sunday has been postponed to stop the US-backed Millennium Challenge Compact (MCC) from presenting in the parliament. The meeting of the House of Representatives was scheduled for 1 pm on Sunday. Speaker Agni Prasad Sapkota had also called a meeting of the Business Advisory Committee… Continue reading Parliament meeting postponed to halt MCC procedures
Labour ministry begins 24 hours call center service
Kathmandu: The government will provide 24-hour service from the call center, that will listen to all labor-related grievances, including foreign employment. Minister for Labor, Employment and Social Security Krishna Kumar Shrestha inaugurated the 24-hour extension of the call center at the Ministry of Labor, Employment and Social Security in Singha Durbar on Sunday. Complaints can… Continue reading Labour ministry begins 24 hours call center service
Flight operation from Gautam Buddha Intl airport to begin from Feb 21
Rupandehi (Rashtriya Samachar Samiti): Minister for Culture, Tourism and Civil Aviation Prem Bahadur Ale has said that they are preparing to make a ‘calibration flight’ from Gautam Buddha International Airport located in Bhairahawa. After inspecting the Gautam Buddha International Airport in Bhairahawa this afternoon, he said, The technician said that the flight commencement is not… Continue reading Flight operation from Gautam Buddha Intl airport to begin from Feb 21
Labour Minister forms ‘martial team’ to navigate stranded migrant workers
Kathmandu: The Ministry of Labor, Employment and Social Security has formed a ‘Martial Team’ after the number of Nepalis stranded in abroad increased. After receiving complaints that Nepali citizens have been left stranded in different countries due to the temptation of foreign employment, a martial team has been formed under the coordination of the Deputy… Continue reading Labour Minister forms ‘martial team’ to navigate stranded migrant workers
Country marks 70th International Customs Day
Kathmandu: Today, the 70th International Customs Day is being celebrated organizing various programs. According to the decision of the World Customs Organization, this day is being celebrated on every January 26. The main slogan of the day is to make the customs service efficient through digital technology. On the occasion of this day, Nepal government… Continue reading Country marks 70th International Customs Day
Corruption case against 18 people and nine companies
Kathmandu: The Commission for Investigation of Abuse of Authority (CIAA) has filed a corruption case against 18 people, including former president of the Federation of Nepalese Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FNCCI), Pashupati Murarka, alleging corruption in the cement industries. Authorities have also filed lawsuits against the nine companies. A corruption case has been filed… Continue reading Corruption case against 18 people and nine companies
Govt asks details from passengers who paid expensive fares on chartered flight
Kathmandu: The government has demanded details from passengers who paid more than the stipulated fare on a chartered flight last year. The Ministry of Culture, Tourism and Civil Aviation has appealed passengers, who have returned Nepal last year on chartered flights, to give the evidences to the ministry. Passengers who have paid expensive fare can… Continue reading Govt asks details from passengers who paid expensive fares on chartered flight
Japan provides Rs 10.47 billion soft loan to Nepal
Kathmandu: The Government of Japan has provided loan assistance of Rs. 10.47 billion for Nepal’s economic growth and productivity. The cabinet meeting held had decided to accept the assistance provided by the Japanese government. On Tuesday, Finance Secretary Madhu Kumar Marasini signed a letter of exchange regarding the concessional policy loan assistance from Japan.
NRB warns not to trade cryptocurrency
Kathmandu: Nepal Rastra Bank (NRB) has warned that strict action will be taken against those found trading in cryptocurrencies, hyper funds and other virtual currencies. Stating that such transactions have been taking place for the sake of high returns lately, NRB has said that such transactions cannot be done anywhere. On Sunday, the Foreign Exchange… Continue reading NRB warns not to trade cryptocurrency