Provincial govt to rebuild structures damaged in Jajarkot earthquake

Kathmandu: Economic Affairs and Planning Minister Bedraj Singh announced that the provincial government is set to undertake the reconstruction of government and public structures damaged by the recent earthquake in Jajarkot.

The earthquake has left a significant impact on government offices, schools, police facilities, and water supply and irrigation projects in the affected areas.

Minister Singh stated that ongoing discussions are addressing the damage assessment, with a comprehensive action plan being developed by the provincial government for reconstruction efforts.
Jajarkot and Rukum Paschim experienced the most severe damage from the earthquake, particularly affecting 54 police offices in the Karnali region.

Deputy Inspector General of Police Bhim Prasad Dhakal provided details of the extensive damage, indicating that 33 police buildings in Jajarkot, 12 in Rukum Paschim, three in Salyan, four in Jumla, and two in Kalikot have been impacted.

The destruction includes buildings ranging from district police offices to temporary police stations.

In addition to police infrastructure, over 300 schools have been identified as destroyed across Karnali, with specific statistics expected to be available in the coming week.

The condition of technical schools operated by federal and state governments is being assessed by the Head of Social Development Office, Yagyaswor Khatri.

The extent of damage to health institutions remains unconfirmed, with discrepancies in statistics reported by municipalities and the state government.

The Ministry of Social Development in Karnali Province is actively working to obtain accurate data. Furthermore, the assessment of damage to water supply and irrigation projects is still pending.

To support the reconstruction efforts, the state government has allocated 1 billion rupees and deposited an additional 10 million rupees in the disaster management fund.

The allocation reflects the government’s commitment to addressing the immediate needs and facilitating the recovery of the affected areas.

News Source: Rashtriya Samachar Samiti