Kathmandu: The government has demanded an explanation from the hospital for taking deposit from covid-19 infected patients.
While unveiling today’s Covid-19 national update of the Ministry of Health and Population, spokesperson Gautam said that only those who can afford it should be charged but those who cannot afford it should be treated free of cost by the state.
The government had removed the free treatment system from October 19. It was decided to provide free treatment only to the targeted group, those working in the front line and the rest should pay the fee.
Based on the same decision, the hospitals have been taking advance deposit of Rs 20,000 to Rs 200,000 per person. Spokesperson Gautam said that action would be taken against such hospitals if the government asked them for clarification and did not give a satisfactory answer.
Health ministry asks clarification with hospitals for making deposite compulsory to covid-19 patients