Express bus service begins in Suryabinayak-Kathmandu route

Kathmandu: Express bus service started in Suryabinayak-Kathmandu route from today.

On the occasion of the Constitution Day, the government has started the bus service. Physical Infrastructure and Transport Minister Prakash Jwala inaugurated the express bus service from Shantibatika, Ratnapark.

As of now, the express bus will operate from 9 am to 11 am and from 4 pm to 6 pm.

From Ratnapark, where express buses operate, to Suryavinayak in Bhaktapur, dedicated lanes have been marked in red.

Non-essential vehicles are not allowed to enter this lane during the express bus operation.

But ambulances, hearses, fire engines, buses carrying staff can be driven in this lane.

Express buses have been operated for the convenience of passengers as well as traffic management. The department said that although it will be operated as a pilot project on the Ratnapark-Suryavinayak route, the express bus service will be gradually expanded.

Currently 25 big buses have been arranged for the serivce.