Kathmandu: Vice President of Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) Fatima Sumar has called on Finance Minister Janardan Sharma. Vice President Sumar and Finance Minister Sharma met at the Finance Ministry in Singha Durbar on Saturday. Arriving in Kathmandu on Thursday, Sumar had earlier met the Chairman of the main opposition party CPN-UML and former Prime Minister… Continue reading MCC Vice President meets Finance Minister
Category: Finance
Govt announces ‘Earning while Studying’ program for +2 students
Kathmandu: The government has introduced ‘Earning while StudyingProgram’ targeting students. The replacement bill of the budget ordinance brought by Finance Minister Janardan Sharma on Friday states that the ‘Earning while studying program’ will be introduced as a model in some schools in all the seven provinces. Initially, the program will be aimed at students studying… Continue reading Govt announces ‘Earning while Studying’ program for +2 students
Govt announces revised budget worth Rs 1632.83 billion
Kathmandu: The government has revised the budget for the current fiscal year. Modifying the budget points brought by the budget ordinance, the government has brought a budget replacement bill of Rs. 1,632.83 billion. Finance Minister Janardan Sharma has reduced the debt target by Rs 37 billion through the budget.
The stock market plunged by more than 30 points
Kathmandu: On Sunday, the first day of the week, the stock market fell to a high point. The Nepse index, which has been declining since the start of trading, has declined by more than 108 points at the close of trading day. The Nepse index has dropped by 108.26 points to 2,818.72 points. In the… Continue reading The stock market plunged by more than 30 points
Govt writes a letter to US asking clarification on MCC’s “disputed” issues
Kathmandu: The government has urged the US government to clarify the “controversial issues” in the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) agreement. The Treasury Department has written to the US government urging it to clarify some of the ambiguities in the agreement. The letter asked the government to clarify whether the MCC was part of the US… Continue reading Govt writes a letter to US asking clarification on MCC’s “disputed” issues
Air passengers no longer have to wear face shield
Kathmandu: The use of face shields, which is mandatory for domestic air travel, has been removed. The Airline Operators Association Nepal (AOAN) has stated that the mandatory use of face shield has been removed with effect from September 1 (Wednesday). The airlines have stopped distributing the face shields saying that the face shield has not… Continue reading Air passengers no longer have to wear face shield
Direct flight service between Kathmandu and Colombo begins
Kathmandu: Direct flight between Kathmandu, the capital of Nepal, and Colombo, the capital of Sri Lanka, has started from today. SriLankan Air has started direct flights from Colombo-Kathmandu-Colombo from Tuesday. Earlier, the two countries had to transit to another destination to reach the capital. According to the Tribhuvan Airport Office, the aircraft landed at 10:24… Continue reading Direct flight service between Kathmandu and Colombo begins
Direct flight between Nepal and Sri Lanka from Tuesday
Kathmandu: Direct flights between Nepal and Sri Lanka will begin from next Tuesday. Sri Lankan Ambassador to Nepal Himali Arunatilka tweeted that direct Kathmandu-Colombo flight would start from Tuesday. Civil Aviation Authority of Nepal has informed that Kathmandu-Colombo flights will be operated on two Tuesdays and Saturdays of the week. Summer schedule for Kathmandu-Colombo direct… Continue reading Direct flight between Nepal and Sri Lanka from Tuesday
Bank branches reach over 750 municipalities
Kathmandu: Branches of commercial or ‘A’ class banks have reached 750 out of 753 municipalities across the country. Nepal Rastra Bank (NRB) had set a target of reaching at least one branch of a commercial bank in all the municipalities two years ago but it has not been able to reach branches in three municipalities… Continue reading Bank branches reach over 750 municipalities
NOC increase Petrol and LP gas price
Kathmandu: Nepal Oil Corporation (NOC) has again increased the price of petroleum products. The corporation has increased the price of cooking gas including diesel, petrol and kerosene with effect from 12 noon on Monday, said Binit Mani Upadhyaya, spokesperson of the corporation. Diesel, petrol and kerosene price has gone up by two rupees per liter.… Continue reading NOC increase Petrol and LP gas price