Remittances increases by 21.6 percent

Kathmandu: Remittance inflows increased 21.6 percent to Rs.839 billion in the review period compared to an increase of 27.1 percent in the same period of the previous year. In the US Dollar terms, remittance inflows increased 19.1 percent to 6.31 billion in the review period compared to an increase of 16.4 percent in the same period of the previous year.

In the review period, the number of Nepali workers, both institutional and individual, taking first- time approval for foreign employment stands at 247,012 and taking approval for renew entry stands at 158,540. In the previous year, such numbers were 314,767 and 167,708 respectively.

Net transfer increased 20.0 percent to Rs.910.74 billion in the review period. Such a transfer had increased 25.2 percent in the same period of the previous year.