Protests in Kathmandu’s New Road over footpath expansion

Kathmandu: Tensions escalated today in Kathmandu’s New Road area as local residents vehemently opposed ongoing footpath expansion efforts. The situation has prompted a heavy deployment of Nepal Police, KMC Police, and additional security forces to maintain order.

The protests, which began early Thursday morning, have seen confrontations between demonstrators and metropolitan police forces. The KMC Police intervened decisively when demonstrators attempted to enter the premises housing the Juddha Fire Brigade office.

Led by Ward-22 Chairman Chinkaji Shrestha, locals are protesting against Mayor Balen Shah’s administration and the city police, arguing that widening the footpath will compromise the existing road width. Their demands emphasize preserving the current road infrastructure rather than expanding pedestrian walkways.

In response to the escalating tensions, authorities have mobilized a significant number of police personnel to ensure public safety and prevent any potential disturbances during the demonstrations.

The situation remains fluid as both sides stand firm on their positions. Authorities are closely monitoring developments to prevent any further escalation of the protests.