NHRC urges Nepal govt to take action amid Russia-Ukraine conflict

Kathmandu: The National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) has called on the government to intervene and rescue Nepali citizens embroiled in the conflict between Russia and Ukraine. A significant number of Nepali citizens have reportedly joined the Russian and Ukrainian armies, with casualties and injuries reported among them due to the ongoing military actions.

Tikaram Pokharel, the spokesperson of NHRC, issued a press release addressing the urgent need for rescue efforts. The statement emphasizes the diverse situations faced by Nepali citizens involved in the conflict, including those undergoing treatment in foreign hospitals, individuals under the control of opposing forces, and Nepalis serving on both sides in the military.

The press release states, “The government has a duty to protect and rescue the human rights of Nepali citizens wherever they may be and in whatever circumstances they may find themselves.”

In addition to the rescue plea, NHRC has specifically requested the government to repatriate the bodies of Nepali citizens who lost their lives in the conflict. The commission urges the government to arrange for the cremation of these individuals according to their respective religions, cultures, and traditions.

NHRC has also called for effective measures to be taken for the treatment of the injured citizens, and to facilitate the return of Nepalis who wish to come back to their homeland through diplomatic initiatives.

Furthermore, the NHRC is urging the government to provide relief and compensation to the families of those who lost their lives and the individuals who sustained injuries during the conflict. Additionally, the commission emphasizes the importance of putting an end to illegal employment practices that put the lives and assets of Nepali citizens at risk in the future.

This urgent call from the NHRC highlights the need for swift and comprehensive government action to ensure the safety, well-being, and rights of Nepali citizens caught in the midst of the Russia-Ukraine conflict.