Nepali Congress loses to CPN (Maoist) in Ilam-2 constituency

Kathmandu: Suhang Nemwang of the Nepal Communist Party (Maoist) has been elected as the representative of Ilam-2 constituency. According to the Election Commission, Nemwang secured 27,772 votes in the recent election.

His closest competitor, Damber Bahadur Khadka of the Nepali Congress, was defeated with 5,830 votes. Khadka managed to gather 21,942 votes. The Ilam-2 constituency has been a stronghold of the Communist Party for nearly three decades, securing victories consistently in elections.

Following the demise of CPN leader Suvas Chandra Nemwang on Bhadra 27, 2080, the Ilam-2 constituency had remained vacant. The final results indicate the rise of the third force in the form of the identity-based politics. Identity-based leader Dakendra Limbu secured 11,457 votes, while National Independent Party’s Milan Limbu garnered 5,050 votes.