Nepal Telecommunication Authority forms committee to monitor TikTok ban implementation

Kathmandu: In response to the government’s decision to ban TikTok in Nepal, the Nepal Telecommunication Authority (NTA) has established a technical committee led by Director Bijay Kumar Rai to ensure the effective implementation of the ban.

The committee, formed during an NTA meeting on Friday, comprises four members, including Sudhir Parajuli, President of the Internet Service Providers Association of Nepal (ISPAN), a representative from the Ministry of Communications, and Rosa Kiran Basukala from the NTA as the member secretary.

The committee’s primary task is to monitor, investigate, and submit a report within seven days regarding the nationwide status of TikTok access.

On the same day, the NTA officially reached out to TikTok, urging the platform to cooperate in implementing the government’s decision.

The government had initially decided to ban TikTok on November 13, prompting the NTA to promptly inform TikTok through a written communication.

In light of the ban, the NTA sent a follow-up letter to TikTok on Friday, seeking the platform’s assistance in executing the government’s decision to prohibit TikTok in the country.

Simultaneously, legal challenges to the ban have emerged, with ten petitions filed at the Supreme Court on Friday. Lawyers and digital rights advocates are advocating for the government’s decision to be declared unconstitutional and revoked.

The Supreme Court administration has consolidated all writ petitions and scheduled a preliminary hearing for the consolidated case on Monday, November 20.

The decision to ban TikTok was made by the Council of Ministers, citing concerns about its impact on social harmony and the overall social environment.

In an unusual move, the government implemented the decision by keeping relevant government offices open even on holidays to ensure the swift execution of the ban.