Education Minister Sumana Shrestha ensures non-interference in university affairs

Kathmandu: Today at Singha Durbar, Education Minister Sumana Shrestha, representing the Rastriya Swatantra Party, declared a hands-off approach by the ministry and her political party in university affairs.

During a crucial meeting with a panel of education experts, which included renowned figure Kedar Bhakta Mathema, Minister Shrestha emphasized a commitment to maintaining impartiality. She pledged that there would be no undue influence on vice-chancellors or university officials to further any personal or political agendas, reaffirming her role as the Pro-Chancellor of universities.

The expert team delivered recommendations advocating for a merit-based appointment process within universities. Minister Shrestha expressed gratitude for the advice and acknowledged the importance of recent open competitions in appointing the rector and registrar of Tribhuvan University (TU).

Highlighting transparency, Minister Shrestha disclosed plans for member appointments to the TU Service Commission, affirming that selections will be based on open competition without her direct involvement.

Addressing legal compliance, Minister Shrestha underscored existing laws prohibiting government employees and educators from political party membership, emphasizing the repercussions for violations.

In a bid to overhaul teacher recruitment criteria, Minister Shrestha disclosed the formation of a task force aimed at revising appointment standards and potentially removing the mandatory B Ed degree requirement for aspiring educators.