HOUSTON (AP): Two days before the storm began, Houston’s chief elected official warned her constituents to prepare as they would for a major hurricane. Many took heed: Texans who could stocked up on food and water, while nonprofits and government agencies set out to help those who couldn’t. But few foresaw the fiasco that was… Continue reading Power failure: How a winter storm pushed Texas into crisis
Category: World
President Biden declares major disaster in Texas
(BBC): President Joe Biden has declared a major disaster in Texas, clearing the way for more federal funds to be spent on relief efforts in the US state. Power is returning across Texas and temperatures are set to rise but some 13 million people are still facing difficulties accessing clean water. Mr Biden has said… Continue reading President Biden declares major disaster in Texas
Myanmar coup: At least two killed as police disperse protesters
(BBC): At least two people have been killed in protests in Myanmar against a military coup, the worst violence yet in more than two weeks of demonstrations. Police used live ammunition to disperse demonstrators in Mandalay, reports from the ground said. At least 20 people were injured. Hundreds had gathered for the rally at a… Continue reading Myanmar coup: At least two killed as police disperse protesters
Myanmar rattled by army movements, expected internet cutoff
YANGON, Myanmar (AP): Sightings of armored personnel carriers in Myanmar’s biggest city and leaked orders of an impending internet shutdown raised political tensions late Sunday, after vast numbers of people around the country flouted orders against demonstrations to protest the military’s seizure of power. Public concern has already been heightened for the past few nights… Continue reading Myanmar rattled by army movements, expected internet cutoff
Myanmar coup leader: ‘join hands’ with army for democracy
YANGON, Myanmar (AP): Myanmar’s coup leader used the country’s Union Day holiday on Friday to call on people to work with the military if they want democracy, a request likely to be met with derision by protesters who are pushing for the release from detention of their country’s elected leaders. “I would seriously urge the… Continue reading Myanmar coup leader: ‘join hands’ with army for democracy
Sign of inequality: US salaries recover even as jobs haven’t
WASHINGTON (AP): In a stark sign of the economic inequality that has marked the pandemic recession and recovery, Americans as a whole are now earning the same amount in wages and salaries that they did before the virus struck — even with nearly 9 million fewer people working. The turnaround in total wages underscores how… Continue reading Sign of inequality: US salaries recover even as jobs haven’t
Internet access restored as Myanmar coup protests grow
YANGON, Myanmar (AP): As enthusiastic crowds of tens of thousands marched through the streets of Myanmar’s biggest city on Sunday to protest last week’s coup ousting Aung San Suu Kyi’s elected government, their spirits were lifted by the return of internet services that had been blocked a day earlier. Separate protests that began in various… Continue reading Internet access restored as Myanmar coup protests grow
Glacier breaks in India’s north; flood kills 9, 140 missing
RISHIKESH, India (AP): Indian authorities launched a search operation Sunday after part of a Himalayan glacier broke, sending a massive flood of water and debris slamming into two dams and damaging a number of homes. At least nine people were killed and 140 were missing. The flood was caused when a portion of Nanda Devi… Continue reading Glacier breaks in India’s north; flood kills 9, 140 missing
Senate OKs fast-track of COVID aid, Harris casts tie-breaker
WASHINGTON (AP): The Senate early Friday approved a measure that would let Democrats muscle President Joe Biden’s $1.9 trillion coronavirus relief plan through the chamber without Republican support. Vice President Kamala Harris was in the chair to cast the tie-breaking vote, her first. Democrats in the chamber applauded after Harris announced the 51-50 vote at… Continue reading Senate OKs fast-track of COVID aid, Harris casts tie-breaker
Hundreds protest coup in Myanmar as resistance spreads
YANGON, Myanmar (AP): Hundreds of students and teachers took to Myanmar’s streets on Friday to demand the military hand power back to elected politicians, as resistance to a coup swelled with demonstrations in several parts of the country, even in the tightly controlled capital. In the largest rallies since the takeover, protesters at two universities… Continue reading Hundreds protest coup in Myanmar as resistance spreads