Cabinet orders hospitals to provide OPD services on public holidays

Kathmandu: The Office of the Prime Minister and Council of Ministers (OPMCM) has directed the Ministry of Health and Population to ensure that Out Patient Department (OPD) services are available at hospitals even on public holidays.

In a recent directive, the OPMCM instructed the ministry to implement arrangements for providing all health services, including OPD, during public holidays. The decision follows a letter from the Ministry of Home Affairs concerning public holiday operations and aligns with sub-clause 10.1 section (Na) of the special provisions related to public service delivery.

The OPMCM’s notice mandates that all types of hospitals offer health-related services, including OPD, on public holidays. This move comes in response to public complaints about the inaccessibility of health services on such days.

The OPMCM has also requested the Ministry of Home Affairs to facilitate coordination and monitoring to ensure the new arrangements are effectively implemented.

According to the special provisions, services related to citizenship, national identity cards, passports, foreign employment, and hospitals are required to operate on public holidays just as they do on regular days.

Discussions are ongoing regarding the operational modality for providing OPD services during public holidays.