60,000 Nepalis seek foreign employment in first month of FY 2024/2025

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Kathmandu: In the first month of the Fiscal Year 2024/2025 (Shrawan, mid-July to mid-August), approximately 60,000 Nepalis departed the country for foreign employment, according to the Department of Foreign Employment (DoFE). Specifically, 59,550 Nepali workers secured labor permits during this period, marking a slight increase from the 55,575 who left in Shrawan of the previous fiscal year (2023/2024).

The breakdown of permits issued includes 25,500 institutional work permits, 10,753 individual work permits, and 668 through Government-to-Government (G-to-G) channels. The data reveals that 51,430 men and 8,114 women sought employment abroad, encompassing both new and re-approved laborers.

Notably, there was a significant decline in the number of Nepalis traveling to Malaysia for work, with only 1,344 workers heading there in Shrawan. This represents the most considerable drop since the COVID-19 pandemic, compared to 9,238 workers in the same period last year. The reduction follows Malaysia’s decision to cut the intake of migrant workers last March.

The UAE emerged as the top destination, with 17,541 Nepalis traveling there. Saudi Arabia and Qatar followed, with 11,809 and 11,785 workers, respectively. Other destinations included Kuwait (4,695), Japan (1,472), and South Korea (812).

European countries also saw notable numbers of Nepali workers. Romania was the most popular destination, with 2,298 Nepalis moving there, followed by Croatia (1,138), Cyprus (700), Malta (239), Portugal (156), and Poland (50).